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Go, Cars. Go! 5 Real-Life Vehicle Transport Scenarios


You’ve seen them on the highway transporting shiny new sports cars or SUVs. Sometimes they’re packed with one model. Other times there’s a mix of models, both old and new. Maybe you’ve wondered who ships a car when they can drive it and assumed that whatever the vehicle, its owner is uber-wealthy.

The truth is that 95% of the vehicles we ship are for everyday reasons and regular people like yourself who’ve worked out that the minimal cost and maximum convenience of vehicle transport makes shipping a car not only cost-effective but a stress-free, resource-saving alternative to driving cross-country.

Here are the top 5 reasons our customers ship their vehicles.

Vehicle Transport Reason #1: Job Relocation

More than 50% of our auto transports are scheduled due to a job relocation or cross-country move. Last year, an estimated 14-23 million Americans relocated thanks to remote work opportunities. So, if you’re offered your dream job across the country, and want to start immediately, you might not want to spend several days driving a packed car 1,200+ miles, not to mention gas, food, and lodging expenses. Many of our clients also have multiple vehicles, so driving isn’t an option.

You probably agree that moving is its own special brand of hell, but the average American still moves 11.6 times in their lifetime. In 2021, nearly 28 million people moved, and it’s estimated that more than 30 million will move at least once in the next 12 months. So, whether our customers relocate for a job, a change of scenery, or some other reason, shipping their vehicle makes the whole miserable process just a little bit easier.

Vehicle Transport Reason #2: College-Bound

Heading off to college is a big milestone—for students and parents. From filling out those ever-intimidating FAFSA forms and applying for student loans to dorm and roommate assignments, class schedules, and a new city and campus to navigate, packing up your sometimes-reliable car for a daunting road trip is just piling it on.

The thought of their 18-year-old stranded on a lone stretch of highway late at night or involved in an accident in a crowded, unfamiliar city is enough for many of our clients to rely on moveauto to transport their college student’s vehicle to and from campus each school year for extra peace of mind. Getting settled on time and avoiding the potential for their belongings to get stolen or damaged (in the event of an accident) means students generally prefer auto transport, as well.

Vehicle Transport Reason #3: Retirement

The pandemic forced up to 3 million Americans to retire earlier than planned, according to, raising the percentage of adults 55 and over who’ve retired to an all-time high of 50% (Pew Research Center). For many, retirement is also an ideal time to move—to a smaller home and a warmer climate with a lower cost of living. Nearly 20% of respondents to the United Van Lines 2021 Annual National Movers Study named retirement as a reason to move, an increase of 7% since 2015. Retirees are almost 3X as likely to move to a different state than all other movers. Married couples make up the majority (77%) of retirement moves, so they’re more likely to have more than one car. Driving all day for several consecutive days in a packed car isn’t something most seniors want to do, and with more disposable income than their younger counterparts, they’re more likely to hire a moving company and ship their vehicles to their new home.

Vehicle Transport Reason #4: Inheriting or Gifting

Nearly 40% of Americans are gifted their first car. More than 30% of those are hand-me-downs from a parent or older sibling, with just under 8% receiving a new(er) car. Regardless of the make, model, or year, gifting a car is a great way to help a family member or close friend and get your old car off your hands when you’re ready for a new one. But, unless you live down the street or across town from the giftee, it can become a bit of a hassle. You want it out of your driveway but that requires you to either drive it to its new owner and get a ride (or flight) back home or wait until the new owner can come pick it up. Our fourth most popular reason for auto transport is clients who elect to avoid the hassles altogether by shipping a gifted car to its new owner. Not only does this save time and free up garage space faster but it avoids putting empty miles on what’s likely an older car and saves the giftee the inconvenience, as well.

Vehicle Transport Reason #5: Purchasing a Car

If you bought a car online in the last two years, you’re in good company. Nearly 30% of U.S. new car sales are completed online, according to an ABC News article. That’s up from just 2% purchased online prior to the pandemic. By 2030, the majority of vehicles will be sold online, according to a KPMG Global Automotive Executive Survey. And 75% of respondents to the same survey predict that four in 10 vehicles will be sold directly by automakers. Now that more consumers are avoiding the dealership experience altogether, it makes sense to have the car that you purchased online delivered.

One of the benefits of purchasing a car online is that you can shop outside of your local area. And rather than paying for a one-way flight, Uber-ing out to the seller’s location, and driving all the way home, many of our clients prefer to avoid the hassle and have their new car shipped directly to their home.

Whatever your reason, you can find out exactly what it will cost to transport your vehicle here.

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